Our Little Achievers (ages 5-7) and Youth Jiu Jitsu classes (ages 8-14) are now forming...

Parents! If you are looking for an activity for your child to gain true self confidence and self esteem and vastly improve their physical fitness you've come to the right place!
"Phil is the reason my son found his passion in BJJ.."
"Phil is the absolute best at what he does. He truly cares about his students and takes his responsibility way beyond a typical coach. Phil has on many occasions, been a mentor for my son and has been a listening ear for any problems my son has had BJJ related or not. Phil is the reason my son found his passion in BJJ and has been practicing it for over 4 years. Thanks Phil!!!"
Jessica Letscher | Review
"Our Little Achievers (5-7) and Youth Jiu Jitsu (8-14) Programs offer these benefits and so much more!"
- Your child will gain focus from watching and practicing techniques.
- They will learn about self control and staying calm.
- They will be taught the importance of physical fitness and healthy nutrition.
- They will get to experience what it feels like to work hard and achieve something.
- They will gain strength, balance, and endurance.
- They will be given opportunities to be leaders in class and taught about life skills like humility and discipline.
- They will be taught about being aware of their surroundings and body language.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the martial art that your child will be learning!
It focuses on defending yourself by grabbing a hold of the attacker and taking them to the ground, where you can control them and they cannot hurt you. Once you have the person in a controlled position you can apply a submission hold if necessary.
In your child’s Jiu Jitsu class they will be taught how to properly defend and escape any bad situation they could come up against.
Some examples are:
- Someone grabs a hold of them and tries to take them to the ground.
- Someone gets on top of them on the ground and is holding their arms down or grabbing them by the throat
- Someone comes up behind them and wraps an arm around their neck or puts them in a headlock
- Someone throws a punch or punches at them
- Someone gets on top of them on the ground and is trying to punch them
- Someone pushes them and they fall to the ground

"..has stirred a passion in my son for the sport."
My son started Jiu Jitsu with Phil as his coach from the start over 4 years ago. And because of Phils gentle spirit, but mighty in quality training has stirred a passion in my son for the sport. Especially in sportsmanship and the mental aspect of it. My son saw on the mat EVERY TIME during teaching or watching Phil in a tournament, the true way to build character and leadership is all in your attitude. Thank you Phil for encouraging our son and his life long desire for Jiu Jitsu. Here is a photo of my sons first tournament almost 4 years ago and to push him to do it, because he knew he had it in him. He had only been doing it for less than a year and Phil nurtured that. Thank you for the quality private lessons and being a great mentor!
Chare Pishock | Review
In your child’s Jiu Jitsu class they will be taught how to properly communicate with adults, other children and bullies.
Some examples are:
- How to confidently communicate with a bully to avoid confrontation and/or understand the bully’s intentions so they can be prepared to protect themselves if needed
- How to communicate to a parent or teacher that they or someone they know is getting bullied, so the situation can be handled maturely and safely.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gives your child the skillset to protect themselves using positional control and leverage instead of relying only on punching or kicking to do so. Knowing how to throw punches and kicks is great, but that skill set is useless if you end up with someone on top of you on the ground.
Having the ability to defend yourself without needing to punch or kick someone gives you the opportunity to handle a situation in a very safe, controlled manner without afflicting more damage than needed.
For example: Your childs at a birthday party and one of their friends is being a bully and pushing everybody around. Say this child even attempts to strike your child or is moving towards them aggressively. Instead of your child choosing to punch or kick the bully (because that’s what most other martial arts will teach you to do) they will have the ability to wrestle the bully down to the ground and use their understanding of body positioning and balance to control the bully and even talk to them without having to hurt them.
"Phil made my son feel welcome.."
Phil is an amazing teammate and an even better instructor. My son started BJJ at a very young age and was really nervous to start. Phil made my son feel welcome and broke down moves in practicality so the kids would understand them in class and in a real life situation. Keep up the great work!!
joe Ross | Review
Your child will feel like a superhero knowing that they will always have
this skill set in their back pocket!
This is one of many examples where jiu jitsu can be used effectively to humanely deescalate a situation.
With great power comes great responsibility, and your child will be educated on when is the appropriate time to use this power.
I can tell you from my own personal experience that truly knowing you are able to defend yourself gives you a sense of confidence and assurance that is irreplaceable. That type of confidence will help guide your child along the path of life.
Whether it be their daily habits and how they choose to spend their time, the people that they choose to surround themselves with, and having a STRONG belief in themselves that they can do and be whatever they want to be.
Come and see what your child can Achieve!